Posts tagged ‘dance’

Making, showing and seeing – why?

Madli Pesti* The article was first published on October 15, 2015 on In the beginning of golden October the Writing Movement Network met in Iceland,…

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Otrs nāk palīgā kustināt. Par izrādi “more than naked”

Līga Kozlovska* Par austriešu horeogrāfes Dorisas Ūlihas (Doris Uhlich) izrādi “more than naked” Tallinā 2015. gada 10. oktobrī The article was first published on October 14,…

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On two performances in Saldus – “Corpuss” by Elina Lutce and Krista Dzudzilo and “Summer feet in Saldus” by Moa M. Sahlin

Elena Angelova* The article was first published on August 27, 2015 on Here is one text about the two performances I was able to view…

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The Writing Movement Network travels to Riga to think about being influential in dance

A discussion on and around topic “How to be influential in dance? On power, money, talent, entertainment, genders, national and regional specifics” will take place on June 10…

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The Writing Movement Network goes to Viljandi

On April 25-29 the third lab of The Writing Movement Network will take place Viljandi, Estonia. The lab will focus this time on the theme of audience and the market.…

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