Posts from the ‘Uncategorized’ category

Writing Movement Network 2.0

Writing Movement 2.0 (WMN 2.0) will in 2017-2018 be co-creating some critical thinking focusing on choreography primarily in the Nordic-Baltic region. (Photo from Riga, June 2016)…

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Places to pick up a copy of the WM-catalogue

Here is a list over the places you can pick up a free copy of the Writing Movement-catalogue; Expeditions in Dance Writing. Writing Movement 2012 –…

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“Hundred Thousand Dances in the Sky” – an article from the WM call

By: Karen María Jónsdóttir For more than a millennium and a half nations have used firework displays to demonstrate their power and glory, more often than…

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“(B) r e a c h” – an article from the WM call

By: Jaan Ulst   Darkness. In the depth of the left side of the stage a spot of light appears. A blind girl Hedy, dressed in…

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