Icelandic Academy of the Arts

The Iceland Academy of the Arts is the only institution in Iceland that offers higher education in dance. Within the department of theatre and dance there is a BA program in Acting, Contemporary dance and Theory and Practice, program that focuses on theatre in its widest sense. Students graduating from the school have had a strong influence on the Icelandic dance community in Iceland, none the least the independent scene.

The Icelandic  Writing Movement  Local Labs focused on the problem of verbalizing physicality. The objective of the activities was to initiate discussion and writing about dance within the practical dance field itself as well as within the more established field of cultural writing and get texts about dance published in Icelandic newspapers and journals. The activities therefore encouraged dance artists to write from their physical knowledge and offer those who are used to write about culture insight in the physical reality of dance.

Reykjavik Dance Festival 2013 and 2014 supported Writing Movement Local labs by giving a space and time within their schedule. Also cooperation with the Icelandic Dance Company and the Icelandic cultural journal Spássían took place.

For further information about, Writing Movement in Iceland contact: sesseljagm(at)

Following the Keðja Writing Movement project Iceland Academy of Arts hosted the 12th Nofod (Nordic forum for dance forskning) dance conference in spring 2015.