Dansehallerne is the leading presenter of contemporary dance in Denmark and offers training and development activities for professional dancers and choreographers. Dansehallerne gathers all main players and areas within the field of contemporary dance.
Dansehallernes main department is in Copenhagen. A smaller department is located in Aarhus , Jutland.
Dansehallerne is active on many levels:
– Professional dancers and choreographers can train and rehearse in the seven dance studios and get coaching, counseling and production/administration help.
– Dansehallernes Dance Consultants work with dance education in schools and institutions for children and young people in collaboration with municipalities across the country.
Dansehallerne is part of international networks like Aerowaves and Module-Dance, that work to strengthen contemporary dance as an art form and support the players within the field.
Dansehallerne was the main project coordinator of keðja 2012-2015.