Third and last Writing Movement activity in Iceland

The third and last activity of Keðja, Writing Movement in Iceland was held 19th and 20th of September 2014 at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. It was a workshop called Words; a way of exploring artistic practice led by Barbara Simonsen artistic director of Laboratoriet in Aarhus, Denmark, a centre for research and experiments for performing arts professionals, In the workshop Simonsen offered dance artists time and tools to reflect on their own working methods and working process. In the both practical and reflective workshop, the artists where invited to use writing as a tool to get a clearer and deeper understanding of the way they work and the method that work for them. The aim was to use writing and words to explore their own artistic process, new angles on their work, and ideas for growth and development.

The workshop started Friday night. Then the participants watched for inspiration examples of other artists describing their work methods, from Laboratoriet’s interview collection Saturday the focus turned to the participants them self as Simonsen gave writing exercises to reflect on their working process when making a dance piece following with discussion.
