Critical Responce Process – The Rites of Spring

participants working on their critical response technique

participants working on their critical response technique

In May 2013 the first event in the Icelandic Writing Movement labs took place. A chosen group of dance artists and people from the cultural section of the Icelandic medias participated in a Critical Responce Process lead by Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir for The Rites of Spring by Melkorka Sigríður Magnúsdóttir and Lára Stefánsdóttir. The group was invited to a rehearsal followed by a discussion about the piece in accordance with the rules of Liz Lehrmann’s Critical responce process. This took place a week before its premiere by the Iceland Dance Company at Reykjavik Arts Festival the 24th of May 2013. Nine people attended and participated in a constructive and lively conversation.Iceland Dance Company

Iceland Dance Company